For over 60 years, the Aareon Group has provided consulting and software solutions to the property sector in Europe. They are spread across 37 European locations and specialise in software as a service (SaaS).
Aareon’s 2022 report uses colour and photography to present itself as a dynamic, energetic company. The grammatically-odd title of the report, “Future is a Team” works to dispel the myth of the lone wolf, hinging the company’s success instead, on teamwork (within the company) and collaboration (with external partners).
Portraits are clustered together, reinforcing the idea of working closely as part of a unit, while each board member’s thoughts are presented in their own handwriting, reminding us that their teams are composed of unique individuals.
Each section of the report is short and information is presented in snippets which link to larger blocks of text. This allows the reader to quickly get a sense of the broader report, without necessarily getting bogged down in detail. Type treatments also help, with an ultra-bold weight for titles and a light for body text, making for easy navigation.
Addressing the pandemic has become de rigueur in annual report design and Aareon attends to it by discussing measures taken to support and improve the mental health of its employees.
This is a simple, short, easy to use report. Colour, photography and text in short segments go a long way to sell the idea of a modern, fast-moving company with a firm interest in its customers and its employees.