A clear theme in the TUI Group’s 2017 annual report and its magazine New Horizons, is the aim to branch into new frontiers. As both documents highlight, TUI hopes to conduct this expansion by seeking out new tourist destinations and digitally enhancing their customers’ experiences.
These plans are best illustrated in the covers of documents. The report showcases an image of a still body of water with one side of a structural complex stretching over and into it, while the magazine creates the illusion of constant motion with still and blurred images of people gazing at a cityscape. Such a study in contrasts underscores the reach of TUI’s endeavours in the tourism industry.
The report uses simple typefaces and sticks to a combination of black and light blue making the information easily accessible. Easy-to-read infographics intersperse the text providing contrast to the vast amount of information. The report also includes high-resolution images of various TUI locations to connote the beginning of a new section, grounding the information with real-life locations.
The magazine, on the other hand, is designed with vibrant colour photographs, graphs and other illustrations. What is perhaps most striking here is the way in which the plans for digitization and personalized care have been woven into the design.
Many pages stand out with high-definition images of TUI destinations. Alongside some of them are hypothetical scenarios of how a guest might use the company’s app laid out in small groups of text mimicking journal entries. The combination of the text and image makes for an inviting demonstration of what TUI hopes to accomplish.
One such example is a map of a digital landscape with graphics of well-known tourist landmarks and accessories, creating a futuristic and playful mood. Continuing the sense of light-heartedness, another map includes colourful images in the style of a children’s book. These images accompany explanations of various TUI projects, creating a particularly effective sense of connectivity between these places.
Together, TUI’s Annual Report and New Horizons magazine present a cohesive message comprising of the statistics and success of the past year as well as the company’s place within the future of tourism.